Whitestone Primary School’s castle sculpture is a celebration of heritage and community. Inspired by Wales’ rich history of castles, each child contributed by drawing their own castle, showcasing individual creativity. Through decoupage, their unique creations adorn the sculpture, symbolising unity and collaboration. As Whitestone Primary marks its 50th year, this castle stands as a testament to the school’s enduring spirit and the endless possibilities when hearts and hands come together.

Mae castell Ysgol Gynradd Whitestone yn ddathliad o dreftadaeth a chymuned. Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan hanes cyfoethog Cymru o gestyll, cyfrannodd pob plentyn drwy dynnu llun o’i gastell ei hun, gan arddangos creadigrwydd unigol. Trwy decoupage, mae eu creadigaethau unigryw yn addurno’r cerflun, gan symboleiddio undod a chydweithio. Wrth i Ysgol Gynradd Whitestone nodi ei hanner canfed blwyddyn, mae’r castell hwn yn dyst i ysbryd parhaol yr ysgol a’r posibiliadau diddiwedd pan ddaw calonnau a dwylo at ei gilydd.

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